Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sticking Grammarz and starving athletes.

An expression of exploration. That is the purpose and nature of this blog. So many things in life that annoy and yet not enough time to complain.

For example, here I type and the "k" key sticks. I have to hit it multiple times but no amount of cleaning seems to do the trick. What up with that? Of course this is only a minor grievance compared to the medley of insanity that lays outside my sanctum.

Who on these interwebs has a grasp of grammar? It seems that proper English is an endangered species. Spelling is a skill first taught in grade school and the world around teachers much be shocked to see randomz added when everz Iz feelz likez itz. Again a minuscule disturbance to the peace within.

No the great question I have been pondering today is why we pay billions to athletes while children in the world are starving. Forget the world, there are hungery children within shouting distance of the stadiums that people go to watch millionaire players do their thing.

What up with that?


  1. Seriously, what up with that. Also, interesting way of putting it. Reads like someone I know katdish.

  2. Okay, not me. But totally something I would write. So, let me just say. You rock.

  3. Oh, and if you're on twitter, I would like to follow you. (Not in a creepy, stalkerish way, of course.)

  4. Nick the Geek,
    No I am not katdish, as she has cleared up already.

    It is certainly possible that you are already following me on twitter. Thank you for your accolades. I am quite impressed with your writing and so count that a high honor.
