Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Love learning love life.

I must confess, I love learning.  I love learning many different things, but there are a few that I hate.  I despise. I loathe.  It should be apparent that literature is not among this list but at the precipice of disdain sits history.

I believe most teachers of history hate history nearly as much as their students.  They commence in the study of that which is long since dead and soon become full of decay.  In High School this subject is assigned to the coaching staff.  It seems in some hidden conclave of pedagogy administrators formulated the theory that coaches could teach history without doing any lasting harm.  Of course the general consensus of the population is that history is irksome and tedious.  This must have no bearing on the initial exposure to our diachronic roots.  It is most certain that history is boring and not the orators of instruction.

Of course, if you have come to the conclusion that history can be vibrant and alive given an instructor that is obsessed with the subject then you may also believe that the collective dislike of history may well be rooted in the opinions of those teaching the subjects in our schools.

What up with that?

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